I was checking what authors respond me to whatever is that I wrote to them, and I found this funny, because it was kinda unexpected...
this simple screenshot took me like hour and a half to finish adding stupid stuff to it, because I felt that the little thing I found, wasn't enough to make you ppl laugh... or something..
...Oh! and check my other posts, they're short!!! plz! Specially the 2nd one :D
Here's the link (you might want to open it on a new window):
http://i397.photobucket.com/albums/pp5 7/AleK3000/tehlol-1.jpg
(yeah, I suck on doing stuff on the computer, so I had to sign up to photobucket website... dammit.. another account to take care off... -_-')
p.s. thanks for readin, watching, and..
Fancy pants, rules! :D
hum....i dont get it...why is it funny if the submision was on the left side?..and huuum what is Ares?or is it the fact that he checked on the front page to see if his flash was here? also i got my own website too